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An increasing number of organisations are realising that to value their employees is the way to the creation of a happy, motivated, skilled workforce.  Consequently, they are becoming more open to ideas that contribute to the support of staff personnel in their personal growth and development.

Employers who invest in the welfare and development of their staff do so because they know it makes economic sense. Now more than ever employers need to do everything they can to give themselves the edge over the competition. Red Road PD have innovation, uniqueness and a history of people development that all aid organisations to ensure that their employees have that extra bit of resourcefulness that equates to success on all levels.
Most development and training provided in the workplace is tailored towards individuals in the workplace, Red Road’s uniqueness is the recognition that people are people no matter where they are and what situation. This lends itself to resources that encourage self management, direction as well as taking responsibility and ownership for all aspects of self. This is a real investment in people, with results for both organisations and their employees.

The Red Road Footsteps Programme is ideal for business because it can be tailored to the need of each specific company or department. For example a 5 day development programme set away from the stresses of the office, or a 1 day course focusing on a specific footstep.
Red Road Footsteps provide a fresh approach to inner leadership, talent nurturing and personal development. They contain all the information necessary to facilitate a series of inspiring workshops, as well as the opportunity for the programmes to be accredited by the ILM.

Evidence shows  that employees who complete the programme  benefit  immensely from increased levels of self-belief,  true confidence, leadership skills with evidenced improvement in performance.

For further information please click here
Footsteps 1-10
1. Developing Self Belief & Embracing
2. Developing a Positive Mental Attitude
3. Developing a True Confidence Part 1
4. Developing a True Confidence Part 2
5. Becoming Emotionally Intelligent
6. Assertive Communication
7. Understanding & Dropping Control Issues
8. Learning to let go
9. Managing Stress
10. Steps to Continuing Personal Development and Well being
Through consultation Red Road can guide you in the choice of the appropriate programme to meet your requirement
©Red Road PD Company Ltd 2010