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Reducing Reoffending

Red Road PD has an approach with reducing re-offending that is a 10 module process of whole behavioural change weighted very much to the humanistic arm of psychology with cognitive behaviour techniques running throughout, that is, encouraging wholesale, total change with the philosophy that people cannot be reduced to parts. Footsteps behavioural change takes participants through a discovery of self in an empathic, empowering, respectful process that seeks to recognise influences, patterns of behaviour and negativity within actions as well as counter this with positive action in order to facilitate whole change in each individual.

 The programme has been researched and developed using differing control groups and has been proven to show success in achieving change within many levels of individuals as well as empowering massive lifestyle changes.

A New Approach
The programme is broken down into 10 modules which are facilitated on a workshop basis which are generally around 3 hours in duration with recommended reflection time between each workshop according to the delegates need. The method of facilitating the process is by way of working with small groups –around 12 depending on additional needs within the group – using a positive psychological approach in order to gain rapport, trust and a productive atmosphere in which to initiate change and empower individuals to move forward.

The process takes participants through a series of introspective modules all individually designed to safely guide them through the programme of positive change.

There is a clear model of change within the programme which has a defined impact on the behaviour of offenders with positive outcomes, improved motivations and enhanced aspirations.

Red Road is currently working in partnership with prisons and offender management organisations within the community and is looking to further expand within this sphere.

Footsteps 1-10
1. Developing Self Belief & Embracing
2. Developing a Positive Mental Attitude
3. Developing a True Confidence Part 1
4. Developing a True Confidence Part 2
5. Becoming Emotionally Intelligent
6. Assertive Communication
7. Understanding & Dropping Control Issues
8. Learning to let go
9. Managing Stress
10. Steps to Continuing Personal Development and Well being
Through consultation Red Road can guide you in the choice of the appropriate programme to meet your requirement
©Red Road PD Company Ltd 2010